CTF Challenge

Weelcome to the CTF Challenge section!

Your goal is to get the flag in the format: flag{}. So, follow the hints and show the world you really are a h4ck3r :) Good luck! pd: if you find it, please send me an email with it =D

*IMPORTANT* Please, no infrastructure attacks are needed! NO FUZZING, NO BRUTEFORCE, NO NMAP, NO DoS. It's a non-attack challenge. Other way, you can be temporary or permanent banned!

I wanted to publish a new post on my website...but I'm too busy. I don't know wheter to assign the task to Alice, Bob or Caesar. Anyway, the only thing I know about it is the name it's going to have:


*Hint*: If you ever need a number, check in my CV how many Special Distinctions (MH) do I have in only in the Degree, maybe this will work with something ;=)


If you have any questions, offers or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me:
